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jQuery HighchartTable

Ever wanted to convert your HTML data tables into fancy Highcharts graphs?

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We wanted to use Highcharts graph library but with a way to convert automatically our HTML tables containing data into graphs.

So we decided to code a jQuery plugin to make this conversion peacefully. And voila, here we are :)

Wanna see a demo ?

How it works

We use HTML5 data-* attributes to specify how the tables are rendered.

Many attributes are available to provide you a way to customize the graph.

Full documentation


Tested and supported in Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox

Browsers compatibility is tied to Highcharts browsers compatibility.

jQuery >= 1.4.3 is required


We provide our plugin with an MIT licence.

View MIT licence

Get the code

The plugin is hosted on Github.

See us on Github

Here are some examples of HTML tables converted into graphs

First example: columns

Column example
Month Sales Benefits
January 8000 2000
February 12000 3000
March 18000 4000
April 2000 -1000
May 500 -2500

Next example: lines

Line example
Month Sales Benefits
January 8000 2000
February 12000 3000
March 18000 4000
April 2000 -1000
May 500 -2500

Next example: mixing render modes

Column + area example
Month Sales Benefits
January 8000 2000
February 12000 3000
March 18000 4000
April 2000 -1000
May 500 -2500
Latest version (2.0.0) Latest version (2.0.0) - minified)
  1. Usage
  2. Graph
  3. Legend
  4. Series
  5. Lines
  6. Axes
  7. Points
  8. Vertical lines
  9. Pie charts specific options
  10. Dynamic options in javascript
  11. Changes

The HighchartTable plugin takes data and attributes from a table and parses them to simply create an Hightcharts chart.

The plugin does not contains Highcharts or jQuery, so first of all, you must include them your page.

<script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.highchartTable.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then you have to set some attributes to the table, like the graph type or where to render the graph.

The series names are defined in the <thead>, their values are defined in the <tbody>.
The first <td> of a <tr> contains the Xaxis value. The other ones contain the values for each series in that x value.

<table class="highchart" data-graph-container-before="1" data-graph-type="column">
Then, simply call highchartTable on a selector that selects the prepared table. Like this :
$(document).ready(function() {
This will display a column graph before the table of class highchart according to the values defined in its tbody.
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-type table The data-graph-type attribute is required.
  • column
  • line
  • area
  • spline
  • pie
caption The chart's main title is defined via the table caption.
<table><caption>this is a title</caption></table>
Any string Example
data-graph-subtitle-text table Graph subtitle. Any string Example
table There are two ways to define where the graph must be rendered.
If you want a graph before the table you can use "data-graph-container-before"
otherwise use "data-graph-container" and use a CSS selector to choose where to display the graph.
For data-graph-container-before : 1
For data-graph-container : a CSS selector
Example with data-graph-container-before
Example with data-graph-container
data-graph-height table Graph height. Height in px Example
data-graph-margin-top table Graph top margin. Margin in px Example
data-graph-margin-right table Graph right margin. Margin in px Example
data-graph-margin-bottom table Graph bottom margin. Margin in px Example
data-graph-margin-left table Graph left margin. Margin in px Example
data-graph-inverted table Inverts the graph axes. 1 Example
data-graph-area-fillOpacity table Works only on area graphs. Decimal from 0 to 1 Example
data-graph-datalabels-formatter table Callback to format the datalabels displayed on the chart. Name of the function to call Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-legend-disabled table Disable the legend. 1 Example
data-graph-legend-layout table vertical/hortizontal (default : horizontal) Horizontal example
Vertical example
data-graph-legend-width table width in px Example
data-graph-legend-x table Legend x offset offset in px Example
data-graph-legend-y table Legend y offset offset in px Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-color-1 table From data-graph-color-1 to data-graph-color-9. Where the number is the serie index (starting from 1). hexadecimal color Example
data-graph-hidden th Hide the serie by default. It could be displayed by clicking on the legend. 1 Example
data-graph-skip th Ignores the serie. 1 Example
data-graph-dash-style th
  • dash
  • dot
  • longdash
  • shortdash
  • shortdot
  • shortdashdot
  • shortdashdotdot
graph-stack-group th Allows to display series on the same column by setting the same data-graph-stack-group value for those series. Any string Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-line-width table width in px Example
data-graph-line-shadow table Area graphs has a shadow under the line. To disable it set the value of the data-graph-line-shadow attribute to 0. 0 Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-xaxis-title-text table Any string Example
data-graph-xaxis-rotation table Default : 0 Degres Example
data-graph-xaxis-start-on-tick table Remove margin between the line and Y axis. 1 Example
data-graph-xaxis-end-on-tick table Remove margin between the line and the graph end. 1 Example
data-graph-yaxis-X-formatter-callback table Callback to format the YAxis values. Where x is the number of the axis (generaly data-graph-yaxis-1-formatter-callback) Name of the function to call Example
data-graph-xaxis-min table Highcharts detects the minimum values of the X axis, but sometimes it is usefull to force this value. Decimal Example
data-graph-xaxis-max table Highcharts detects the maximum values of the X axis, but sometimes it is usefull to force this value. Decimal Example
data-graph-xaxis-labels-enabled table Allows to specify if the labels on the X-axis must be enabled and displayed (default) or disabled. 0 / 1 Example
data-graph-xaxis-labels-font-size table Allows to specify the font size that should be used for labels on the X-Axis. Valid CSS size 65%
data-graph-yaxis-2-opposite table Move the second Yaxis to the right. You must use data-graph-yaxis to define which serie is on the second axis. 1 Example
data-graph-yaxis-X-reversed table Higher values are closer to the xAxis. 1 Example
data-graph-xaxis-type table Supports only one type : datetime, which displays irregular time data datetime Example
data-graph-yaxis-X-stacklabels-enabled table Displays total on columns when they are stacked with the data-graph-stack-group attribute. 1 Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-datalabels-enabled table
Displays values on each point of the graph.
Could be defined for all the chart on the table tag or just for one serie on the th tag. The th tag value overrides the table tag value.
1 or 0 Example
data-graph-datalabels-align table Defines where to put the label according to the point position.
  • right
  • center
  • left
data-graph-point-callback table Name of the function to call, the first parameter is an Highcharts Point object Example
data-graph-datalabels-color table
Change the datalabel color.
Could be defined for all the chart on the table tag or just for one serie on the th tag. The th tag value overrides the table tag value.
Any string Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-vline-x th Arbitrary draws a vertical line in the graph. Must be used with the data-graph-vline-height attribute. decimal Example
data-graph-vline-height th Arbitrary draws a vertical line in the graph. Must be used with the data-graph-vline-x attribute. decimal Example
data-graph-vline-name th Value displayed on the vertical line tooltip. decimal Example
Attribute Scope Informations Allowed values Examples
data-graph-item-highlight td Moves the serie outside the chart to be more visible. 1 Example
data-graph-item-color td hexadecimal color Example
data-graph-name th Sector's name in a pie chart Any string Example

Just before the graph is rendered, an event is triggered, which allows you to change the Highchart chart options.

For example, let's say that you want to define the colors of your data series according to the graph container. Instead of doing this on server-side on every chart you have, you will do this on the client side using the highchartTable.beforeRender jQuery custom event.
The second parameter contains the objet that will be passed to the Highcharts.Chart function. That's the one you must modify in order to change the colors of the graph.
The documentation about this object is available in the Highcharts doc.

  .bind('highchartTable.beforeRender', function(event, highChartConfig) {
    highChartConfig.colors = ['#104C4C', '#88CCCC', '#228E8E', '#CCFFFF', '#00CCCC', '#3399CC'];

In issue 8 we removed the default value for the graph-yaxis-X-title-text attribute. If you were using it, here is an example of how you can get the default value back :

  .bind('highchartTable.beforeRender', function(event, highChartConfig) {
    $.each(highChartConfig.yAxis, function (index, value)   {
      value.title.text = value.title.text || 'Valeur';

The highchartsTable plugin is under MIT license.